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™AktivPULS liners with transparent milking cup

The synthetic, transparent milking cup makes it a lightweight cluster and makes a rupture of the liner visible, in which case milking can be stopped immediately. This milking claw weighs 1.5 kg and is available in 4 different colours.

“By using the ™AktivPULS clusters and the standard built-in dynamic vacuum relief, dairy cows are milked naturally, similar to how a calf drinks from its mother cow…”

™AktivPULS liners with a clear cap

The synthetic clear-cap in the milking cup makes a rupture of the liner visible and milking can be stopped immediately. This milk claw weighs 2.04 kg and is available in 4 different colours.

“… This unique milking system causes no vacuum teat stress during milking, the cow is completely relaxed and the teat lock holes close quickly after milking, eliminating any additional risk of bacterial entry and lock hole damage…”

™AktivPULS liners with stainless milk container

The stainless steel milk claw is the most robust milk claw, due to its stainless steel cups this milk claw provides itself with a long service life. This milk claw weighs 2.2 kg and is available in 4 different colours.

“… The clusters come standard with liners suitable for teat sizes 21-25 mm (M+) and other sizes are optionally available. All available in green, white and blue representing different brands of milking systems.”

"80% less hyperkeratosis and 20% less mastitis"

In August, we started milking with AktivPuls. During the trial period, we only changed the liners. Before the trial, practically 80% of our cows showed signs of teat-end hyperkeratosis, 20% of which was of the 4th degree. Currently, there are no cases of hyperkeratosis in the entire herd. Previously, we had 40 to 50 cows showing signs of clinical mastitis, but now we have a maximum of 10. Subclinical mastitis has decreased from 20-25% to 3-4%.

Vladimir Petrovich Danilov

SPK Zhdanovskiy

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